Meet The Company

Our show ‘The Man Whose Memories Fell Out’ explores the ideas of memory loss and how this can have an impact on a relationship. Within the piece, we explore happy memories and how these can be a precious thing to hold on to. In keeping with this, we have decided to share with you our first and happiest memories in order for you to get to know the company a little better…

Michael Woodhall- Director


First Memory- I think my first ever memory is from when I was around 4 years old; I got to meet Barney the Dinosaur! He was an inspiration to me. What I didn’t know was that Mr. Blobby would also make an appearance at this particular event. He terrified me. I think that’s why I remember that day; I’m still haunted by it.

Happiest Memory-  When I think of memories, what springs to my mind are a series of special occasions such as holidays, birthdays, trips etc. I quickly realise, it is not the event that has made me happy, it is the people involved. Seeing the young people at Youth Theatre perform every year, being a part of my friend’s wedding party and meeting my niece for the first time are memories which stick out to me. Seeing the people I care about be successful and content is what makes me truly happy.

Verity Ficken- Producer


First Memory – This is tricky, as I’m not sure if it is indeed my first memory or just an event I remember the most due to it being slightly traumatic! But it’s the dreaded first day of school, well I think it was nursery so I’d of been 3 or 4 years old at the time. I remember being in a big ole’ dress (as I was/am the only girl my mum loved to dress me in extravagant outfits – yay) with little wispy pigtails. I just remember walking into this large hall and feeling so small and lost but holding my mums hand I felt safe. Until of course she left me, which is the usual procedure at school and I’d have to get used to it but at the time I remember vividly just crying (more like whaling actually) and feeling hopeless. When it came to the end of the few hours I’d spent at school I was happy to embrace my mum and tell her all the fun I had, had playing in the sandpit.

Happiest Memory – This is also difficult! I’ve been very lucky in that I have experienced many times in my life when I’ve felt truly happy. I think one that springs to mind was the day I found out I had got into University and passed my a-levels. I remember checking on my laptop and immediately running into my mum’s room and jumping on her bed with an excited squeal! My family were so proud of me and it made me happy that I had made them proud.

 Alice Saxton- Stage Manager


First Memory- I have a chronic fear of the film Titanic. This fear can be sourced back to when I was 3 years old, and due to the distress it caused, it is my only memory from that early on! I distinctly remember wearing a white t-shirt and a pink, cord dungarees. I walked into the living room to find my mum, and she was watching the film. Unfortunately the moment I entered was just as the boat was sinking. I have never seen the film since, but I can relay exactly what happens within that scene to this day!
Happiest Memory- Disney World is my favourite place in the whole entire world, and having visited numerous times throughout my life it holds a majority of my happiest memories! One of my favourite memories, which we re-create every time we go, is of me and my twin brother on Spaceship Earth. The ride travels round the EPCOT ball, and is a series of wax figures showing the progression of communication over time (thrilling I know). Having been on the ride over 15 times together, we have created our own spiel for the ride that we have used over the last 8 years!

 Katherine Copley–  Performer and Assistant Stage Manager









First Memory- My first memory is a little embarrassing. It’s the first thing I know for sure that I’ve remembered and not just think I remember from a photograph. I think I was four and I was at nursery and this one morning I was painting a picture (it was stripy you’d love it), anyway, I really needed to use the toilet but I also really wanted to finish my painting. So I wet myself. It was very embarrassing, but worse is that I denied what had happened and told my friend that I had just stepped in a puddle on the way in that day. Whoops!

Happiest memory- I genuinely don’t know what my happiest memory is, there are too many to choose from! Seeing Taylor Swift and Matilda in the space of 24 hours was pretty special; or seeing my big sister get married; or even when we had that one sleepover where we all hid behind the stair gate and threw mushrooms at my little sister! Too many to have just one happiest memory!

Alice Dale- Marketing Manager and Actor









First Memory- My first memory is a difficult one. It’s one of those things where I am not sure if I actually remember this or if it is something that I concocted out of the stories my mum told me. When I was about three years old, I was severely ill with viral meningitis (plus something else but I can’t exactly remember what it was called) and I had to have this lovely procedure when they put a needle into your back to remove spinal fluid or something like that. The main thing I remember from this is a really clinical room, with bright lights and white walls. I also remember lying on my front and my mum crying a lot. She had been told it was best for her not to come in the room but she wouldn’t leave me. I think most of this is what I have been told over the years and I’d quite like to think that my first memory would be something a little happier.

Happiest memory- So I could talk about the time I went to Disney Land Paris with my best friends and cried at the beautiful fireworks or I could talk about the time I saw Taylor Swift live and nearly touched her hand… (that was also a disappointing memory) but I think my happiest memory is when I saw my little brother for the first time. This wasn’t the first time I held him but instead it was when I saw him during a 3D ultrasound scan. He looked like a little alien and it’s weird to think, nearly seven years later, that he is a handsome little boy who like Star Wars, Lego and waking me up too early in the morning. Obviously meeting him properly for the first time comes pretty close but there was something nice about sharing that moment with my family.

 Naomi French- Musical Director, Sound Designer and Actor


First memory– Well, I have random snippets of early memories, all a bit of blur. When I was little, I was a bit of a crazy child (things haven’t changed) so I have many embarrassing early memories but I feel like I can’t share them with you. So the one I am going to share with you is when I was 4 years old, I ran from the garden into the kitchen but I was wearing socks so I slipped and cracked my head on a brick wall! And then I had to go to hospital and get butterfly stitches…but it was cool because they were BUTTERFLY stitches! And then two weeks later I fell off a dining chair and cut my lip open…that basically sums up my childhood…always in the wars…good times!

Happiest memory- I have many happy memories- mainly involving hilarious times with family and friends. I would say my happiest moment has to be 15th birthday party. Apart from the fact it was slightly stressful, I cooked a curry for 13 people! We were all around the dinner table, laughing until we cried and enjoying jokes, sharing food and then after dinner we had three legged races in the garden at 10.30pm (apologies neighbours) and then we had a massive quiz in teams. In fact some of my happiest memories have been around a dinner table. There is something lovely about sharing food, time and laughter with your friends and family…Like Christmas! I LOVE Christmas…

Michael Cahill- Lighting Designer and Actor


First Memory- I’m not exactly sure how old I was exactly, I am guessing around 4 or 5, but I remember my parents were selling their car as it broke down 3 times in one week. For some reason, I felt strongly about keeping the car so started a protest in my room, drawing pictures of the Mondeo all over my room. In the end, they sold the car and I’m guessing I got over it eventually!

Happiest Memory- My happiest memory without a doubt would be the birth of my niece, Leyla. It was such a surreal moment rushing to the hospital in the early hours of the morning to be greeted by our newest family member.

Hannah Thorpe- Co-designer and Actor


First Memory- I can’t specifically pin point one memory that I know to be my earliest. I have a handful that I know are from when I was tiny and they’re all in short snippets. They range from scrabbling around the ruin of my now re-furnished house in France, climbing trees with my brother, conspiring with my cousin and my younger brother to sabotage my grand parents, to watching a duel between the Sheriff of Nottingham and Robin Hood at Nottingham castle. All short but all happy, early memories.

Happiest Memory- I have so many happy memories it would be impossible to choose one over the other that would almost discredit the others. However one of my happier recent memories has to be when friends from my year group at university surprised me for my 21st birthday. I had already invited a few friends for food, pizza, of course. And Al (Stage Manager) suggested we go for drinks rather than just go home. This seemed like a brill idea so off we went, everyone else but me knowing that she had asked at least a month previously if people would like to meet us at the bar to surprise me. Seeing everyone sat there for no other reason than my birthday (and the cocktails maybe) made me so happy, people had actually bothered! It seems so simple but it made me feel so good and happy through that simple gesture.

Kirsty Rice- Actor and Co-designer



First Memory- This is a tough one to recall off the top of my head, but the first memory that springs to mind is one when I was around 4 years old. My family and I had recently moved town from Grantham to Nottingham; I remember feeling a mixture of sadness, excitement and nerves. I was looking forward to a brand new big bedroom my mum had promised me but was extremely panicked by having to start a new nursery, having no friends. On the morning of my first day my mum allowed for me to pick my outfit; Silver Barbie skirt with matching Barbie gilet and a sparkly pair of jelly shoes (still own a pair to this day) I was hoping my dress would definitely impress. Once we arrived at the nursery my heart dropped, I wasn’t ready to let go of my mums hand and start a new adventure. As we walked inside all the children stopped playing with their toys and stared at me, I remember hiding behind my mum all shy. One girl stood up and I realised she had the same skirt on as me; she walked over and introduced herself as Laura and asked if I wanted to play. This memory means a lot to me, as I am still good friends with Laura to this very day

 Happiest Memory- When I think of my happiest memory, I think of times spent with my friends, family and boyfriend. But if I were to narrow it down I would probably say my happiest memory is the millennium in which my grandma and granddad threw a fancy dress party at their house. There was no theme which made it even more exciting as absolutely loved dressing up and it meant I got to wear my brand new Rapunzel outfit which was given to me at Christmas. The party had all of my mum’s family there, which is now often a rare occasion as all my cousins have grown up and have either families of their own or jobs in which they struggle to find the time to attend family occasions. The night was filled with dancing to cheesy pop songs, playing games, eating lots and lots of home cooked food, laughter and me bossing my two older cousins Stephen and Adam around until they finally gave in to joining my band ‘The Rockets’ (loved being the centre of attention back then)



Rachel Thompson- Choreographer and Actor


First Memory– My earliest memory I think is being in nursery and we had a special a clock room on the way into the playing area which is where you hung your coat and I remember the first time I went into the nursery and the place where I hung my stuff had a badge above the hook and it had my name and we all got a little picture on the badge next to our names and I remember mine being a little umbrella, and I struggled to say umbrella when I was little.

Happiest Memory- My happiest memory is particularly hard to pin point one on its own, however one I’m particularly fond of is when I went to my brother graduation and it was such a nice day because it was in the summer time around July. We just spent the day as a family and just enjoyed having a fun day while being proud of my brother.



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