It’s been a very exciting week at Fill In The Blank! The material for my boxes arrived and they were superbly built! Of course not wishing to just sit back, Myself, Alice the Stage Manager and Verity our Producer joined me in painting the boxes! I decided on matte white to keep in with the clinical/ scientific theme. The boxes themselves looked different to my original designs, yet what were delivered turned out to be much more practical for our show. As the rehearsals developed our director informed me that the actors shall be setting the props in the boxes as part of the show. As you can see for the pictures below the frame work of the boxes make this task much simpler.
(Copley, 2015 )
As our show developed my ideas of what I could cover the front of the boxes developed with it. Our show focuses on how music is something that people who suffer with great memory loss turn to as it has melodies that repeat itself. Research shows that by learning new things, such a new skill like a musical instrument aids a persons’ memory, “music helps with Alzheimer’s as the rhythmic beat in music does NOT require cognitive or mental processing.”(2015). Within our narrative, the only connection the ‘Man’ has are with his ‘Wife’ and with music. We decided to use that as our basis for the narrative because a lot of our research showed that “Music therapy can help to promote reciprocal engagement between care givers and care receivers to help them to reconnect with one another.”(2014). The music element within our story lets the wife be with the man he was before his memories ‘fell out’. Because my boxes have no sides I have decided that there would be too much light leaking to get a strong silhouette. I still want the tracing paper on the front but because the silhouettes aren’t a necessity anymore I have decided to copy out sheet music onto the paper which will hopefully be faintly seen as each box light up. Samples shown below.
(Thorpe, 2015)
Overall there will be 18 boxes. 5 big ones measuring 15”x 15” x 5”, 5 medium sized ones measuring 12” x 12” x 5” and 8 small boxes measuring 10” x 10” x 5”.
Works Cited:
Cognivance (2015) 3 Way Musics Helps With Memory Improvement. [online] Available From